A platform to disseminate about science and the environment, basically centered to provide information about the Macaronesia and the world islands biodiversity. It also spreads information related to the Canary Islands archipelago and the Biosphere reserve of Gran Canaria. It's not only a space open to diffusion but also for the research, reflections and debate. Its final objective is to contribute to the conservation of the environment through the dissemination of a new sustainable thought, the 'green thinking '.
Additional remarks:
Category of best practice:
Governance and policies (e.g. interactions science/societies, regulations, decision-makers, networks, international collaborations)
Criteria used to define the best practice:
Significant contribution to preservation of biodiversity and ecological effectiveness
Good governance (involve relevant stakeholders and integrate different interests and perspectives and needs in part from local stakeholders)
Web address of best practice:
Cabildo de Gran Canaria and CSIC
Contact details:
Juli Cajaupé (
Geographic region: