Welcome to the NetBiome Forum!

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José Azevedo
José Azevedo's picture
Welcome to the NetBiome Forum!

Dear stakeholders of (sub)tropical overseas biodiversity,

On behalf of the NetBiome-CSA consortium I am happy to announce the creation of a new communication tool between actors on the fiels of research and management of biodiversity in European overseas countries and territories and in outermost regions.

The Forum through which you are receiving this message was created as a service to this community. Its objectives are to  enhance collaboration between stakeholders of the European overseas, addressing issues such as:

  1. Recommendations for research priorities;
  2. Funds, programmes and infrastructures to support research and conservation;
  3. Possibilities of clustering of existing initiatives;
  4. Programmes for the exchange of staff, students, researchers, etc;
  5. Training opportunities.

This is a beta version of the Forum. Please send us feedback on your experience using it. Improvement suggestions are particularly welcome.

José Azevedo

NetBiome-CSA coordinator

Paul Hoetjes
Paul Hoetjes's picture
(No subject)

I would like to add that if you did not register yourself and were pre-registered, you will find that the 'cv' field in your profile may still be empty. We would like to ask you to fill that in. It is intended for a short 'bio' of maybe 500 words, please do not copy your full cv there!

Also, please check your phone number, in some cases it was converted into scientific notation and needs to be corrected.


Looking forward to using this forum with you all.



Victoria Eugeni...
Victoria Eugenia Martín Osorio's picture
(No subject)


Colleagues, this is a message to confirm the functioning of the forum. From Canary 24ºC. A greeting


Victoria Eugenia