IGRECMer (Guadeloupe initiative to restore marine ecosystem), project Zoe


The project aims to increase the diversity and the stock of fisheries by experimentation of the PCC (postlarva capture and culture).Objective: restoration of marine ecosystems.

Additional remarks: 

Duration of the project: 2 years. Topic: fisheries. Methodology: PCC (Postlarva Capture and Culture). Replicable, involvement of the different actors from the triple helix, addressing a key issue in restoration of marine ecosystems and fisheries stock.Key issues:-Restoration of marine ecosystem;-Validation of the PCC protocol in the Caribbean sea-Demonstrate the added value of the methodology-Identification of potential postlarva, to be culture for aqua farmingImplementation:-Set up of a steering committee involving, fisherman, local marine authorities, local research center;-Identification of test site and experiment the methodology-Follow of the capture and the culture-Identification of the divers families capture-Evaluation of the aqua farming potential of some postlarva (chosen by fisherman)Keys words: restoration, fisheries stock, research and development, aquaculture, sustainability

Category of best practice: 

Biodiversity management (e.g. conservation ex situ and in situ, sustainable use and exploitation, rehabilitation, management of invasive species, pollutants, pesticides)
Governance and policies (e.g. interactions science/societies, regulations, decision-makers, networks, international collaborations)

Criteria used to define the best practice: 

Significant contribution to preservation of biodiversity and ecological effectiveness
Provision of further environmental and socio-economic benefits
Good governance (involve relevant stakeholders and integrate different interests and perspectives and needs in part from local stakeholders)


Ecole de la Mer (NGO)

Contact details: 

Amélia CHATAGNON (amelia.igrecmer@gmail.com) Tél.: +590 590 90.92.38

Geographic region: 


