Clemente Aguiar

First name: 


Last name: 



to be continued

Main field of expertise: 

General fields

Specialized in: 

EU funding programs
International cooperation/research
Regional cooperation/research

Geographic region: 


Name of organisation: 

ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação

Type of organisation: 


Main project your organisation is involved with, in relation to (sub)tropical biodiversity: 

ARDITI was designated as the coordinating entity for research, technology development and innovation of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. It created the Plan for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation which was approved by the Regional Government. One of the strategic areas that the plan defines is Bio-Sustainability (sustainability of the biodiversity).

If involved in policy formulation / implementation, name policy related to your local policy in (sub)tropical biodiversity: 

As mentioned previously, ARIDTI was involved in research policy formulation, and will be involved in the implementation, however, I was not personally involved. In fact, a work group of experts in this area was established with the sole purpose of defining the R&D+I policy in this area.