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Sylvie Blangy is a researcher at the French National Research Center (CNRS, CEFE) in Montpellier, France. She is in charge of implementing an Observing network (Observatoire Homme Milieu) in Northern Québec.
She is currently working in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions in collaboration with the Cree, Inuit and Saami communities, developing community designed and led participatory-action research projects, tools and techniques adapted to aboriginal contexts, addressing their concerns and priorities such as the social and cultural impacts of Industrial development, or the role of tourism in sustaining their culture, language and lifestyles. Sylvie is exploring new research methodologies linking local expertise and scientific knowledge.
In 2010-2011, Sylvie was a researcher and associate professor at the Tourism Chair at UQAM, Montréal where she coordinated a project on adaptation strategies to Climate Change for the tourism industry.
She was previously an international consultant in ecotourism and sustainable tourism for 15 years. She has worked extensively throughout the world and more particularly in Latin America, Africa and Europe (Eastern Europe included) for various contractors, such as the European Union, the World Bank, the French, German and US Development Assistance Agencies, IDB, UNWTO and UNEP.
For 4 years, she was the director of the ecotourism department of a French consulting company specialized in environment, protected areas and conservation of biodiversity, SECA, Société d’Eco-Amènagement. She also worked for the French Ministry of Agriculture on the development of an experimental rural tourism program in France.
Sylvie is the author of book “Le Guide des Destinations Indigènes” and the on line version in English ( which is used to explore the possibilities of conducting collaborative research on line with web based technologies
Sylvie is the vice chair of the Social and Human Working Group of IASC, International Arctic Science Committee. She was on the board of TIES, (The International Ecotourism Society) for 7 years. She is a member of the tourism and the co-management group of IUCN.
Sylvie completed her PhD in sept. 2010 on “Indigenous ecotourism, participatory action research, and Information and Communication Technology”. She created a Master degree in "ecotourism and sustainable tourism" at the Montpellier III University in France. She has been lecturing in 5 French and North American universities for the past 5 years.
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Main project your organisation is involved with, in relation to (sub)tropical biodiversity: